It was a busy week at SIMS-24 in La Rochelle, France, with presentations from Abdul, Akhila, Matija, Alex and Nick. Congratulations to the Co-Chairs Alain Brunelle, Jean-Paul Barnes and their teams for a great conference!
It was a busy week at SIMS-24 in La Rochelle, France, with presentations from Abdul, Akhila, Matija, Alex and Nick. Congratulations to the Co-Chairs Alain Brunelle, Jean-Paul Barnes and their teams for a great conference!
A study from Matija’s PhD on the application of Reactive Gas Cluster Ion Beams has been published in Analytical Chemistry.
DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.4c02144
Togther with fellow SIMS experts from around the world we have pulsihed a new Primer ‘Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry‘ in Nature Reviews Methods. The manuscript describes the operating principles of SIMS and outlines how the instrument geometry and operational parameters enable different modes of operation and information to be obtained. Applications, including materials science, surface science, electronic devices, geosciences and life sciences, are explored, finishing with an outlook for the technique.
The manuscript is currently only availble to download on journal subscription but will be Open Acess in 6 months. In the meantime you can view the full article here.
Many congratulations to Matija for the award of his PhD on the ‘Development of Novel High Energy Cluster Ion Beam Methodology for Molecular Analysis and Imaging‘. Thanks to the external examiner Prof Mel Bailey from The University of Surrey and internal examiner Dr Drupad Trivedi. Matija will be joining the SIMS group led by Dr Felicia Green at the Rosalind Franklin Institute. Well done Matija and good luck!
Many congratulations to Akhila for winning the Peter Ryan Award for the best presentation at the BMSS Ambient Ionisation meeting in Birmingham! The title of Akhila’s oral presentation was titled ‘Visualizing Fungicide Mobility in Tomato Leaves with DESI Mass Spectrometry Imaging‘. The Award was sponsored by KR Analytical. Well done Akhila!
We are excited to announce a new collaboration with The Surrey Ion Beam Centre on a new £3m project ‘Multimodal 3D elemental and molecular imaging at the sub-micron scale‘ funded by the EPSRC. The project, led by Prof Melanie Bailey at the University of Surrey, will be combining MeV ion beam analysis (X rays, gamma rays, backscattered particles) and water cluster Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) for the first time in a single instrument.
We recently got together with some alumni and friends of the group to celebrate John Vickerman’s 80th Birthday with a meal and drinks in Manchester city centre. It was great to catch up with everyone. Congratulations John!
Our collaboration with Prof Richard Curry results in a publication in the journal Advanced Engineering Materials:
Adv. Eng. Mater., 25: 2300889.
We have co-authored the following paper led by Prof Satoka Aoyagi and her group at Seikei University, Japan.
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 41, 044007 (2023)
Search ‘Lockyer’ on to see current funded PhD opportunities:
We are currently recruiting to the following positions:
Congratulations Matija on winning the Rowland Hill Award for best student presentation at SIMS 23 in Minneapolis! Matija’s award-winning presentation was entitled ‘“Effects of Reactive Gas Cluster Ion Beams on Yields and Matrix Effects in SIMS”
Nick gave an invited talk at the 14th International Symposium on Atomic Level
Characterizations for New Materials and Devices (ALC’22) conference in Okinawa, Japan. The talk was entitled ‘Improved bioanalysis using GCIB SIMS and laser post-ionisation’ highlighting recent progress in fundamentals and applications of ToF-SIMS.
Nick gave the Keynote Presentation in the Mutimodal Session of the 42nd BMSS Conference in Manchester in September. The talk was titled ‘Multimodal Mass Spectrometry and Optical Imaging of a Neuroinflammation Model‘ and showcased our collaboration with the Medicines Discovery Catapult and colleagues in the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health.
Nick gave an Invited Talk at the UKSAF meeting at the Henry Royce Institute hub, entitiled ‘Advances in ToF-SIMS using massive gas cluster ion beams‘.