349 |
Mass Spectrometry Imaging for Spatial Chemical Profiling of Vegetative Parts of Plants Akhila Ajith, Phillip J. Milnes, Giles N. Johnson and Nicholas P. Lockyer Plants 11 (2022) 1234 |
348 |
Sensitivity enhancement using chemically reactive gas cluster ion beams in secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) Matija Lagator, Irma Berrueta Razo, Thomas Royle, and Nicholas P. Lockyer Surf. Interface Anal. 54 (2022) 349-355 |
347 |
Metabolism in action: stable isotope probing using vibrational spectroscopy and SIMS reveals kinetic and metabolic flux of key substrates Malama Chisanga, Howbeer Muhamadali, Danielle McDougall, Yun Xu, Nicholas Lockyer and Royston Goodacre Analyst 146 (2021) 1734-1746 |
346 |
Microdistribution and quantification of the boron neutron capture therapy drug BPA in primary cell cultures of human glioblastoma tumour by NanoSIMS Samar Aldossari, Greg McMahon, Nicholas P. Lockyer and Katie L. Moore Analyst 144 (2019) 6214–6224 |
345 |
Enhanced Ion Yields Using High Energy Water Cluster Beams for Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Analysis and Imaging Sadia Sheraz (née Rabbani), Hua Tian, John C. Vickerman, Paul Blenkinsopp, Nicholas Winograd and Peter Cumpson Analytical Chemistry 91 (2019) 9058–9068 |
344 |
The influence of polyatomic primary ion chemistry on matrix effects in secondary ion mass spectrometry analysis Afnan M. Alnajeebi, John C. Vickerman and Nicholas P. Lockyer Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 32 (2018) 1962–1970 |
343 |
Probing the action of a novel anti-leukaemic drug therapy at the single cell level using modern vibrational spectroscopy techniques Joanna L. Denbigh, David Perez-Guaita, Robbin R. Vernooij, Mark J. Tobin, Keith R. Bambery, Yun Xu, Andrew D. Southam, Farhat L. Khanim, Mark T. Drayson, Nicholas P. Lockyer, Royston Goodacre & Bayden R. Wood Scientific Reports 7 (2017) 2649 |
342 |
Quartz Crystal Microbalance Assay of Clinical Calcinosis Samples and Their Synthetic Models Differentiates the Efficacy of Chelation-Based Treatments Fan Fei, Andrzej Gallas, Yun-Chuan Chang, Yikun Rao, Alan Christy Hunter, Richard E. P. Winpenny, Ariane L. Herrick, Nicholas P. Lockyer and Christopher F. Blanford ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 9 (2017) 27544–27552 |
341 |
Fossilization of melanosomes via sulfurization Maria E. McNamara, Bart E. van Dongen, Nick P. Lockyer, Ian D. Bull and Patrick J. Orr Palaeontology 59 (2016) 337–350 |
340 |
Matrix effects in biological SIMS using cluster ion beams of different chemical composition Afnan M. Alnajeebi, John C. Vickerman and Nicholas P. Lockyer Biointerphases 11 (2016) 02A317 |
339 |
Peptide Fragmentation and Surface Structural Analysis by Means of ToF-SIMS Using Large Cluster Ion Sources Yuta Yokoyama, Satoka Aoyagi, Makiko Fujii, Jiro Matsuo, John S. Fletcher, Nicholas P. Lockyer, John C. Vickerman, Melissa K. Passarelli, Rasmus Havelund and Martin P. Seah Analytical Chemistry 88 (2016) 3592–3597 |
338 |
Evaluation of biomolecular distributions in rat brain tissues by means of ToF-SIMS using a continuous beam of Ar clusters Shusuke Nakano, Yuta Yokoyama, Satoka Aoyagi, Naoyuki Himi, John S. Fletcher, Nicholas P. Lockyer, Alex Henderson and John C. Vickerman Biointerphases 11 (2016) 02A307 |
337 |
SIMS Matrix Effects of Biological Molecules under Cluster Ion Beam Bombardment Afnan M. Alnajeebi, Sadia Sheraz née Rabbani, John C. Vickerman and Nicholas P. Lockyer Proceedings of the Eighth Saudi Students Conference in the UK (2015) 437-444 |
336 |
Mass spectrometric imaging of brain tissue by time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry – How do polyatomic primary beams C60+, Ar2000+, water-doped Ar2000+ and (H2O)6000+ compare? Irma Berrueta Razo, Sadia Sheraz (née Rabbani), Alex Henderson, Nicholas P. Lockyer and John C. Vickerman Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 29 (2015) 1851–1862 |
335 |
Enhancing Ion Yields in TOF-SIMS - A Comparative Study of Argon and Water Cluster Primary Beams Sadia Sheraz, Irma Berrueta Razo, Taylor P. Kohn, Nicholas P. Lockyer, and John C. Vickerman Analytical Chemistry 87 (2015) 2367–2374 |
334 |
SIMS—A precursor and partner to contemporary mass spectrometry John C. Vickerman and Nicholas Winograd International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 377 (2014) 568–579 |
333 |
ToF-SIMS as tool for profiling lipids in cancer and other diseases J.L. Denbigh and N.P. Lockyer Materials Science and Technology 31 (2014) 137-147 |
332 |
Prospect of increasing secondary ion yields in ToF-SIMS using water cluster primary ion beams S. Sheraz (née Rabbani), A. Barber, I. Berrueta Razo, J. S. Fletcher, N.P. Lockyer and J. C. Vickerman Surf. Interface Anal. 46 (2014) 51–53 |
331 |
Spatiotemporal lipid profiling during early embryo development of Xenopus laevis using dynamic Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) Imaging Hua Tian, John S. Fletcher, Raphael Thuret, Alex Henderson, Nancy Papalopulu, John C. Vickerman and Nicholas P. Lockyer Journal of Lipid Research 55 (2014) 1970-1980 |
330 |
Comparing C60+ and (H2O)n+ clusters for mouse brain tissue analysis Irma Berrueta Razo, Sadia Sheraz, Alex Henderson, Nicholas P. Lockyer and John C. Vickerman Surf. Interface Anal. 46 (2014) 136–139 |
329 |
Quantitative Surface Analysis of a Binary Drug Mixture—Suppression Effects in the Detection of Sputtered Ions and Post-Ionized Neutrals Gabriel Karras, Nicholas P. Lockyer Journal of The American Society for Mass Spectrometry 25 (2014) 832-840 |
328 |
Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Imaging of Biological Cells and Tissues Nicholas P. Lockyer in "Electron Microscopy", Ed. John Kuo, Humana Press (2014) pp 707-732 |
327 |
TOF-SIMS: Materials Analysis by Mass Spectrometry. Vickerman, John C.; Briggs, David. SurfaceSpectra, Manchester and IM Publications, Chichester (2013) 732 pp. |
326 |
ToF-SIMS—An evolving mass spectrometry of materials John C. Vickerman in "TOF-SIMS: Materials Analysis by Mass Spectrometry", 2nd edition, Eds. J.C. Vickerman and D. Briggs, SurfaceSpectra, Manchester and IM Publications, Chichester (2013) 1-38 |
325 |
Laser post-ionisation for elemental and molecular analysis. Nick Lockyer in "TOF-SIMS: Materials Analysis by Mass Spectrometry", 2nd edition, Eds. J.C. Vickerman and D. Briggs, SurfaceSpectra, Manchester and IM Publications, Chichester (2013) 361-396 |
324 |
Peptide structural analysis using continuous Ar cluster and C60 ion beams Satoka Aoyagi, John S. Fletcher, Sadia Sheraz (Rabbani), Tomoko Kawashima, Irma Berrueta Razo, Alex Henderson, Nicholas P. Lockyer, John C. Vickerman Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 405 (2013) 6621-6628 |
323 |
Enhancing Secondary Ion Yields in Time of Flight-Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Using Water Cluster Primary Beams Sadia Sheraz née Rabbani, Andrew Barber, John S. Fletcher, Nicholas P. Lockyer, and John C. Vickerman Analytical Chemistry 85 (2013) 5654–5658 |
322 |
Evaluating the challenges associated with time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry for metabolomics using pure and mixed metabolites John S. Fletcher, Helen L. Kotze, Emily G. Armitage, Nicholas P. Lockyer, John C. Vickerman Metabolomics 9 (2013) 535-544 |
321 |
Imaging of metabolites using secondary ion mass spectrometry Emily G. Armitage, Helen L. Kotze, Nicholas P. Lockyer Metabolomics 9 (2013) 102-109 |
320 |
Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry: Characterising complex samples in two and three dimensions. John Stephen Fletcher and John C. Vickerman Analytical Chemistry 85 (2013) 610–639 |
319 |
New prospects for molecular post-ionisation using femtosecond IR lasers Alessia Longobardo, Alisdair N. Macpherson, John C. Vickerman, Nicholas P. Lockyer Surf. Interface Anal. 45 (2013) 525-528 |
318 |
ToF-SIMS as a tool for metabolic profiling small biomolecules in cancer systems Helen L. Kotze, Emily G. Armitage, John S. Fletcher, Alex Henderson, Kaye J. Williams, Nicholas P. Lockyer and John C. Vickerman Surf. Interface Anal. 45 (2013) 277-281 |
317 |
SIMS informatics Alex Henderson, Jimmy D. Moore and John C. Vickerman Surf. Interface Anal. 45 (2013) 471-474 |
316 |
Peak picking as a pre-processing technique for imaging time of flight secondary ion mass spectrometry Jimmy D. Moore, Alex Henderson, John S. Fletcher, Nicholas P. Lockyer and John C. Vickerman Surf. Interface Anal. 45 (2013) 461-465 |
315 |
Time-of-flight SIMS as a novel approach to unlocking the hypoxic properties of cancer Emily G Armitage, Helen L Kotze, John S Fletcher, Alex Henderson, Kaye J Williams, Nicholas P Lockyer and John C Vickerman Surf. Interface Anal. 45 (2013) 282-285 |
314 |
Comparison of C60 and GCIB primary ion beams for the analysis of cancer cells and tumour sections John S. Fletcher, Sadia Rabbani, Andrew M. Barber, Nicholas P. Lockyer, John C. Vickerman Surf. Interface Anal. 45 (2013) 273-276 |
313 |
The Birmingham Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) Project:: Developments towards Selective Internal Particle Therapy S. Green, B. Phoenix, A.J. Mill, M. Hill, M.W. Charles, J. Thompson, B. Jones, D. Ngoga, A. Detta, N.D. James, J. Doran, N. Graham, Z. Ghani, C. Wojnecki, G. Halbert, M. Elliott, S. Ford, T.M.T. Sheehan, J. Vickerman, N. Lockyer, G. Croswell, A. Boddy, A. King, G.S. Cruickshank Clinical Oncology 23 (2011) S23–S24 |
312 |
Label free biochemical 2D and 3D imaging using secondary ion mass spectrometry John S. Fletcher, John C. Vickerman and Nicholas Winograd Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 15 (2011) 733–740 |
311 |
Bioimaging of elements and small molecules using MS. Nicholas P. Lockyer Bioanalysis 3 (2011) 1047-1051 |
310 |
Molecular imaging and depth profiling by mass spectrometry-SIMS, MALDI or DESI? John C. Vickerman Analyst 136 (2011) 2199-2217 |
309 |
TOF-SIMS with Argon Gas Cluster Ion Beams: A Comparison with C60+. Sadia Rabbani, Andrew M. Barber, John S. Fletcher, Nicholas P. Lockyer, John C. Vickerman Analytical Chemistry 83 (2011) 3793–3800 |
308 |
Synchrotron FTIR analysis of drug treated ovarian A2780 cells: an ability to differentiate cell response to different drugs? Kevin R. Flower, Intisar Khalifa, Paul Bassan, Damien Demoulin, Edward Jackson, Nicholas P. Lockyer, Alan T. McGown, Philip Miles, Lisa Vaccari, Peter Gardner Analyst 136 (2011) 498-507 |
307 |
Insight into the swelling mechanism involved in the recovery of serial numbers erased from polymer surfaces. Xavier A. Conlan, Matthew J. Baker, Richard Krieg, Nicholas P. Lockyer, John C. Vickerman, Neil W. Barnett and Kieran F. Lim Surf. Interface Anal. 43 (2011) 625-627 |
306 |
Molecular SIMS imaging; spatial resolution and molecular sensitivity: have we reached the end of the road? Is there light at the end of the tunnel? John S. Fletcher, Nicholas P. Lockyer and John C. Vickerman Surf. Interface Anal. 43 (2011) 253-256 |
305 |
Interactive spatio-spectral analysis of three-dimensional mass-spectral (3DxMS) chemical images. Stephen E. Reichenbach, Xue Tian, Robert Lindquist, Qingping Tao, Alex Henderson and John C. Vickerman Surf. Interface Anal. 43 (2011) 529-534 |
304 |
The effect of the H:C ratio on the sputtering of molecular solids by fullerenes. Roger P. Webb, Barbara J. Garrison and John C. Vickerman Surf. Interface Anal. 43 (2011) 116-119 |
303 |
Investigating the effect of temperature on depth profiles of biological material using ToF-SIMS. Alan Piwowar, John Fletcher, Nicholas Lockyer and John Vickerman Surf. Interface Anal. 43 (2011) 207-210 |
302 |
Top-down approach to studying biological components using ToF-SIMS. Alan Piwowar, John Fletcher, Nicholas Lockyer and John Vickerman Surf. Interface Anal. 43 (2011) 265-268 |
301 |
A systematic evaluation of cytospinning as a novel technique for the preparation of cells for ToF-SIMS analysis. E. R. J. Jackson, J. C. Vickerman and N. P. Lockyer Surf. Interface Anal. 43 (2011) 290-293 |
300 |
A molecular dynamics study of a 5 keV C60 fullerene impact on a two-component organic molecular sample. M. G. Ponomarev, B. J. Garrison, J. C. Vickerman and R. P. Webb Surf. Interface Anal. 43 (2011) 107-111 |
299 |
Exploring subcellular imaging on the buncher-ToF J105 3D chemical imager. S. Rabbani, J. S. Fletcher, N. P. Lockyer and J. C. Vickerman Surf. Interface Anal. 43 (2011) 380-384 |
298 |
A new time-of-flight SIMS instrument for 3D imaging and analysis. Rowland Hill, Paul Blenkinsopp, Stephen Thompson, John Vickerman and John S. Fletcher Surf. Interface Anal. 43 (2011) 506-509 |
297 |
Developments in molecular SIMS depth profiling and 3D imaging of biological systems using polyatomic primary ions. John S. Fletcher, Nicholas P. Lockyer, John C. Vickerman Mass Spectrom. Rev. 30 (2011) 142-174 |
296 |
Three-dimensional mass spectral imaging of HeLa-M cells - sample preparation, data interpretation and visualisation. John S. Fletcher, Sadia Rabbani, Alex Henderson, Nicholas P. Lockyer, John C. Vickerman Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 25 (2011) 925-932 |
295 |
RMieS-EMSC correction for infrared spectra of biological cells: Extension using full Mie theory and GPU computing. Bassan, Paul; Kohler, Achim; Martens, Harald; Lee, Joe; Jackson, Edward; Lockyer, Nicholas; Dumas, Paul; Brown, Michael; Clarke, Noel; Gardner, Peter. J. Biophotonics 3 (2010) 609-620 |
294 |
Effects of Cryogenic Sample Analysis on Molecular Depth Profiles with TOF-Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry. Alan M. Piwowar, John S. Fletcher, Jeanette Kordys, Nicholas P. Lockyer, Nicholas Winograd, and John C. Vickerman Analytical Chemistry 82 (2010) 8291-8299 |
293 |
Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry Imaging of Samples Fractured In Situ with a Spring-Loaded Trap System. Lanekoff, Ingela; Kurczy, Michael E.; Hill, Rowland; Fletcher, John S.; Vickerman, John C.; Winograd, Nick; Sjoevall, Peter; Ewing, Andrew G. Analytical Chemistry 82 (2010) 6652-6659 |
292 |
The role of molecular weight on the ToF-SIMS spectra of PMMA using Au+ and C60+ primary ions. Piwowar, Alan M.; Vickerman, John C. Surf. Interface Anal. 42 (2010) 1387-1392 |
291 |
A Comparative Study of Secondary Ion Emission from Water Ice under Ion Bombardment by Au+, Au3+, and C60+. Xavier A. Conlan, John S. Fletcher, Nicholas P. Lockyer and John C. Vickerman J. Phys. Chem. B 114 (2010) 5468-5479 |
290 |
C60+ Secondary Ion Microscopy Using a Delay Line Detector. Klerk, Leendert A.; Lockyer, Nicholas P.; Kharchenko, Andriy; MacAleese, Luke; Dankers, Patricia Y. W.; Vickerman, John C.; Heeren, Ron M. A. Analytical Chemistry 82 (2010) 801-807 |
289 |
Influence of omega-6 PUFA arachidonic acid and bone marrow adipocytes on metastatic spread from prostate cancer. Brown, M. D.; Hart, C.; Gazi, E.; Gardner, P.; Lockyer, N.; Clarke, N. Br. J. Cancer 102 (2010) 403-413 |
288 |
A new SIMS paradigm for 2D and 3D molecular imaging of bio-systems. John S. Fletcher and John C. Vickerman Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 396 (2010) 85-104 |
287 |
Visualization and analysis of large three-dimensional hyperspectral images Stephen E. Reichenbach, Xue Tian, Robert Lindquist, Qingping Tao, Alex Henderson, and John C. Vickerman Proceedings of SPIE 7341 (2009) 734108 |
286 |
A FTIR microspectroscopic study of the uptake and metabolism of isotopically labelled fatty acids by metastatic prostate cancer. Gazi, E.; Harvey, T. J.; Brown, M. D.; Lockyer, N. P.; Gardner, P.; Clarke, N. W. Vib. Spectrosc. 50 (2009) 99-105 |
285 |
A comparison of PCA and MAF for ToF-SIMS image interpretation. Alex Henderson, John S. Fletcher, John C. Vickerman Surf. Interface Anal. 41 (2009) 666-674 |
284 |
Explanatory multivariate analysis of ToF-SIMS spectra for the discrimination of bacterial isolates. Seetharaman Vaidyanathan, John S. Fletcher, Roger M. Jarvis, Alex Henderson, Nicholas P. Lockyer, Royston Goodacre and John C. Vickerman Analyst 134 (2009) 2352-2360 |
283 |
A cancer research UK pharmacokinetic study of BPA-mannitol in patients with high grade glioma to optimise uptake parameters for clinical trials of BNCT. Cruickshank, G. S.; Ngoga, D.; Detta, A.; Green, S.; James, N. D.; Wojnecki, C.; Doran, J.; Hardie, J.; Chester, M.; Graham, N.; Ghani, Z.; Halbert, G.; Elliot, M.; Ford, S.; Braithwaite, R.; Sheehan, T. M. T.; Vickerman, J.; Lockyer, N.; Steinfeldt, H.; Croswell, G.; Chopra, A.; Sugar, R.; Boddy, A. Appl. Radiat. Isot. 67 (2009) S31-S33 |
282 |
Internal Energy of Molecules Ejected Due to Energetic C60 Bombardment. Garrison, Barbara J.; Postawa, Zbigniew; Ryan, Kathleen E.; Vickerman, John C.; Webb, Roger P.; Winograd, Nicholas. Analytical Chemistry 81 (2009) 2260-2267 |
281 |
Molecular SIMS - A journey from single crystal to biological surface studies. Vickerman, John C. Surf. Sci. 603 (2009) 1926-1936 |
280 |
Surface Analysis: The Principal Techniques (second edition) J.C. Vickerman and I.S. Gilmore (Eds) John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, ISBN 978-0-470-01763-0 Hardback, ISBN 978-0-470-01764-7 paperback (2009) |
279 |
Salt Effects on Ion Formation in Desorption Mass Spectrometry: An Investigation into the Role of Alkali Chlorides on Peak Suppression in Time-of-Flight-Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry. Piwowar, Alan M.; Lockyer, Nick P.; Vickerman, John C. Analytical Chemistry 81 (2009) 1040-1048 |
278 |
Uncovering new challenges in bio-analysis with ToF-SIMS. John S. Fletcher, Alex Henderson, Gregory X. Biddulph, Seetharaman Vaidyanathan, Nicholas P. Lockyer and John C. Vickerman Applied Surface Science 255 (2008) 1264-1270 |
277 |
Exploratory analysis of TOF-SIMS data from biological surfaces. Seetharaman Vaidyanathan, John S. Fletcher, Alex Henderson, Nicholas P. Lockyer and John C. Vickerman Applied Surface Science 255 (2008) 1599-1602 |
276 |
Substrate effects on the analysis of biomolecular layers using Au+, Au3 + and C60 + bombardments. Jeanette Kordys, John S. Fletcher, Nicholas P. Lockyer and John C. Vickerman Applied Surface Science 255 (2008) 890-892 |
275 |
TOF-SIMS investigation of Streptomyces coelicolor, a mycelial bacterium. Seetharaman Vaidyanathan, John S. Fletcher, Nicholas P. Lockyer and John C. Vickerman Applied Surface Science 255 (2008) 922-925 |
274 |
ToF-SIMS PC-DFA analysis of prostate cancer cell lines. M.J. Baker, E. Gazi, M.D. Brown, N.W. Clarke, J.C. Vickerman and N.P. Lockyer Applied Surface Science 255 (2008) 1084-1087 |
273 |
Investigating lipid-lipid and lipid-protein interactions in model membranes by ToF-SIMS. L. Zheng, C.M. McQuaw, M.J. Baker, N.P. Lockyer, J.C. Vickerman, A.G. Ewing and N. Winograd Applied Surface Science 255 (2008) 1190-1192 |
272 |
Investigation of molecular weight effects of polystyrene in ToF-SIMS using C60 + and Au+ primary ion beams. Alan M. Piwowar, Nicholas Lockyer and John C. Vickerman Applied Surface Science 255 (2008) 912-915 |
271 |
Mass Spectral Imaging of Glycophospholipids, Cholesterol, and Glycophorin A in Model Cell Membranes. Matthew J. Baker, Leiliang Zheng, Nicholas Winograd, Nicholas P. Lockyer and John C. Vickerman Langmuir 24 (2008) 11803-11810 |
270 |
A New Dynamic in Mass Spectral Imaging of Single Biological Cells. John S. Fletcher, Sadia Rabbani, Alex Henderson, Paul Blenkinsopp, Steve P. Thompson, Nicholas P. Lockyer, and John C. Vickerman Analytical Chemistry 80 (2008) 9058-9064 |
269 |
Discrimination of prostate cancer cells and non-malignant cells using secondary ion mass spectrometry. Matthew J. Baker, Michael D. Brown, Ehsan Gazi, Noel W. Clarke, John C. Vickerman and Nicholas P. Lockyer Analyst 133 (2008) 175-179 |
268 |
Depth Profiling Brain Tissue Sections with a 40 keV C60+ Primary Ion Beam. Emrys A. Jones, Nicholas P. Lockyer, John C. Vickerman Analytical Chemistry 80 (2008) 2125-2132 |
267 |
Subsurface Biomolecular Imaging of Streptomyces coelicolor Using Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry. Seetharaman Vaidyanathan, John S. Fletcher, Roy Goodacre, Nicholas P. Lockyer, Jason Micklefield, and John C. Vickerman Analytical Chemistry 80 (2008) 1942-1951 |
266 |
Static secondary ion mass spectrometry for biological and biomedical research. Lockyer, Nicholas P. Methods Mol. Biol. 369 (2007) 543-567 |
265 |
Biomolecular profiling of metastatic prostate cancer cells in bone marrow tissue using FTIR microspectroscopy: a pilot study. Gazi, E.; Dwyer, J.; Lockyer, N. P.; Gardner, P.; Shanks, J. H.; Roulson, J.; Hart, C. A.; Clarke, N. W.; Brown, M. D. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 387 (2007) 1621-1631 |
264 |
Direct evidence of lipid translocation between adipocytes and prostate cancer cells with imaging FTIR microspectroscopy. Gazi, Ehsan; Gardner, Peter; Lockyer, Nicholas P.; Hart, Claire A.; Brown, Michael D.; Clarke, Noel W. Journal of Lipid Research 48 (2007) 1846-1856 |
263 |
Properties of C84 and C24H12 Molecular Ion Sources for Routine TOF-SIMS Analysis. Biddulph, Gregory X.; Piwowar, Alan M.; Fletcher, John S.; Lockyer, Nicholas P.; Vickerman, John C. Analytical Chemistry 79 (2007) 7259-7266 |
262 |
Suppression and Enhancement of Secondary Ion Formation Due to the Chemical Environment in Static-Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry. Jones, Emrys A.; Lockyer, Nicholas P.; Kordys, Jeanette; Vickerman, John C. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 18 (2007) 1559-1567 |
261 |
TOF-SIMS 3D Biomolecular Imaging of Xenopus laevis Oocytes Using Buckminsterfullerene (C60) Primary Ions. Fletcher, John S.; Lockyer, Nicholas P.; Vaidyanathan, Seetharaman; Vickerman, John C. Analytical Chemistry 79 (2007) 2199-2206 |
260 |
Mass spectral analysis and imaging of tissue by ToF-SIMS-The role of buckminsterfullerene, C60 +, primary ions. Jones, Emrys A.; Lockyer, Nicholas P.; Vickerman, John C. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 260 (2007) 146-157 |
259 |
The Static SIMS Library version 4 J.C. Vickerman, D. Briggs and A. Henderson SurfaceSpectra, Manchester (2006) CDROM |
258 |
A Correlation of FTIR Spectra Derived from Prostate Cancer Biopsies with Gleason Grade and Tumour Stage E.Gazi, M.Baker, J.Dwyer, N.P.Lockyer, P.Gardner, J.H.Shanks, R.S.Reeve, C.A.Hart. N.W.Clarke, M.D.Brown European Urology 50 (2006) 750-761 |
257 |
TOF-SIMS Analysis Using C60. Effect of Impact Energy on Yield and Damage. Fletcher, John S.; Conlan, Xavier A.; Jones, Emrys A.; Biddulph, Greg; Lockyer, Nicholas P.; Vickerman, John C. Analytical Chemistry 78 (2006) 1827-1831 |
256 |
Is proton cationization promoted by polyatomic primary ion bombardment during time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry analysis of frozen aqueous solutions? Conlan, Xavier A.; Lockyer, Nicholas P.; Vickerman, John C. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 20 (2006) 1327-1334 |
255 |
Using polyatomic primary ions to probe an amino acid and a nucleic base in water ice. Conlan, X. A.; Biddulph, G. X.; Lockyer, N. P.; Vickerman, J. C. Applied Surface Science 252 (2006) 6506-6508 |
254 |
Molecular depth profiling of organic and biological materials. Fletcher, John S.; Conlan, Xavier A.; Lockyer, Nicholas P.; Vickerman, John C. Applied Surface Science 252 (2006) 6513-6516 |
253 |
Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bulk film analysis using C60 +, Au3 +, and Au+ primary ion beams. Conlan, X. A.; Gilmore, I. S.; Henderson, A.; Lockyer, N. P.; Vickerman, J. C. Applied Surface Science 252 (2006) 6562-6565 |
252 |
ToF-SIMS studies of Bacillus using multivariate analysis with possible identification and taxonomic applications. Thompson, C. E.; Ellis, J.; Fletcher, J. S.; Goodacre, R.; Henderson, A.; Lockyer, N. P.; Vickerman, J. C. Applied Surface Science 252 (2006) 6719-6722 |
251 |
Suppression and enhancement of non-native molecules within biological systems. Jones, E. A.; Lockyer, N. P.; Vickerman, J. C. Applied Surface Science 252 (2006) 6727-6730 |
250 |
A comparative study of secondary ion yield from model biological membranes using Aun+ and C60+ primary ion sources. Baker, M. J.; Fletcher, J. S.; Jungnickel, H.; Lockyer, N. P.; Vickerman, J. C. Applied Surface Science 252 (2006) 6731-6733 |
249 |
ToF-SIMS analysis of bio-systems: Are polyatomic primary ions the solution? Jones, Emrys A.; Fletcher, John S.; Thompson, Charlotte E.; Jackson, Dean A.; Lockyer, Nicholas P.; Vickerman, John C. Applied Surface Science 252 (2006) 6844-6854 |
248 |
Rapid discrimination of the causal agents of urinary tract infection using ToF-SIMS with chemometric cluster analysis. Fletcher, John S.; Henderson, Alexander; Jarvis, Roger M.; Lockyer, Nicholas P.; Vickerman, John C.; Goodacre, Royston. Applied Surface Science 252 (2006) 6869-6874 |
247 |
Preface to Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, SIMS XV. (Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference held in UK 12-16 September 2005.) Vickerman, John; Gilmore, Ian. Applied Surface Science 252 (2006) xix-xx |
246 |
Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, SIMS XV. (Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference held in UK 12-16 September 2005.) [In: Appl. Surf. Sci., 2006; 252(19)]. Vickerman, John C.; Gilmore, Ian S.; Dowsett, Mark G.; Henderson, Alex; Editors. Applied Surface Science 252 (2006) 922 pp. |
245 |
C60, Buckminsterfullerene: its impact on biological ToF-SIMS analysis. Fletcher, John S.; Lockyer, Nicholas P.; Vickerman, John C. Surface and Interface Analysis 38 (2006) 1393-1400 |
244 |
Fixation protocols for subcellular imaging by synchrotron-based Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopy. Gazi, E.; Dwyer, J.; Lockyer, N. P.; Miyan, J.; Gardner, P.; Hart, C.; Brown, M.; Clarke, N. W. Biopolymers 77 (2005) 18-30 |
243 |
Surface analysis of novel hydroxyapatite bioceramics containing titanium(IV) and fluoride. Silwood, Christopher J. L.; Abrahams, Isaac; Apperley, David C.; Lockyer, Nicholas P.; Lynch, Edward; Motevalli, Majid; Nix, Roger M.; Grootveld, Martin. Journal of Materials Chemistry 15 (2005) 1626-1636 |
242 |
A study of cytokinetic and motile prostate cancer cells using synchrotron-based FTIR microspectroscopic imaging. Gazi, E.; Dwyer, J.; Lockyer, N. P.; Miyan, J.; Gardner, P.; Hart, C. A.; Brown, M. D.; Clarke, N. W. Vibrational Spectroscopy 38 (2005) 193-201 |
241 |
Application of TOF-SIMS with Chemometrics To Discriminate between Four Different Yeast Strains from the Species Candida glabrata and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Jungnickel, H.; Jones, E. A.; Lockyer, N. P.; Oliver, S. G.; Stephens, G. M.; Vickerman, J. C. Analytical Chemistry 77 (2005) 1740-1745 |
240 |
Mechanisms of secondary ion emission from self-assembled monolayers and multilayers. Wong, Stephen C. C.; Lockyer, Nicholas P.; Vickerman, John C. Surface and Interface Analysis 37 (2005) 721-730 |
239 |
Surface chemical analysis of raw cotton fibers and associated materials. Mitchell, R.; Carr, C. M.; Parfitt, M.; Vickerman, J. C.; Jones, C. Cellulose (Dordrecht, Netherlands) 12 (2005) 629-639 |
238 |
Urban PM2.5 surface chemistry and interactions with bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. Kendall, Michaela; Guntern, Jodok; Lockyer, Nicholas P.; Jones, Frances H.; Hutton, Bernie M.; Lippmann, Morton; Tetley, Teresa D. Inhalation Toxicology 16 (2004) 115-129 |
237 |
ToF-SIMS Studies of Sulfuric Acid Hydrate Films. Fletcher, John S.; Henderson, Alex; Horn, Andrew B.; Vickerman, John C. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 108 (2004) 5960-5966 |
236 |
C60 cluster ion bombardment of organic surfaces. Weibel, D. E.; Lockyer, N.; Vickerman, J. C. Applied Surface Science 231-232 (2004) 146-152 |
235 |
Progress in cellular analysis using ToF-SIMS. Lockyer, N. P.; Vickerman, J. C. Applied Surface Science 231-232 (2004) 377-384 |
234 |
ToF-SIMS studies as a tool to discriminate between spores and vegetative cells of bacteria. Thompson, C. E.; Jungnickel, H.; Lockyer, N. P.; Stephens, G. M.; Vickerman, J. C. Applied Surface Science 231-232 (2004) 420-423 |
233 |
Imaging ToF-SIMS and synchrotron-based FT-IR microspectroscopic studies of prostate cancer cell lines. Gazi, E.; Lockyer, N. P.; Vickerman, J. C.; Gardner, P.; Dwyer, J.; Hart, C. A.; Brown, M. D.; Clarke, N. W.; Miyan, J. Applied Surface Science 231-232 (2004) 452-456 |
232 |
ToF-SIMS analysis of atmospherically relevant sulphuric acid hydrate films and reactions thereof. Fletcher, J. S.; Vickerman, J. C. Applied Surface Science 231-232 (2004) 524-527 |
231 |
Applications of Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopy in studies of benign prostate and prostate cancer. A pilot study E Gazi, J Dwyer, P Gardner, A Ghanbari-Siahkali, AP Wade, J Miyan, NP Lockyer, JC Vickerman, NW Clarke, JH Shanks, LJ Scott, CA Hart, M Brown Journal of Pathology 201 (2003) 99-108 |
230 |
Development of a C60+ ion gun for static SIMS and chemical imaging. Wong, S. C. C.; Hill, R.; Blenkinsopp, P.; Lockyer, N. P.; Weibel, D. E.; Vickerman, J. C. Applied Surface Science 203-204 (2003) 219-222 |
229 |
Development and experimental application of a gold liquid metal ion source. Davies, N.; Weibel, D. E.; Blenkinsopp, P.; Lockyer, N.; Hill, R.; Vickerman, J. C. Applied Surface Science 203-204 (2003) 223-227 |
228 |
Detection of chlorinated pesticides on the surface of fungus using ToF-SIMS. Cliff, B.; Weibel, D. E.; Lockyer, N. P.; Jungnickel, H.; Stephens, G.; Vickerman, J. C. Applied Surface Science 203-204 (2003) 710-713 |
227 |
Development of instrumentation for routine ToF-SIMS imaging analysis of biological material. Cliff, B.; Lockyer, N. P.; Corlett, C.; Vickerman, J. C. Applied Surface Science 203-204 (2003) 730-733 |
226 |
A C60 Primary Ion Beam System for Time of Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry: Its Development and Secondary Ion Yield Characteristics. Weibel, Daniel; Wong, Steve; Lockyer, Nicholas; Blenkinsopp, Paul; Hill, Rowland; Vickerman, John C. Analytical Chemistry 75 (2003) 1754-1764 |
225 |
Surface analysis of softened paper by time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) and the Kawabata evaluation system. Parfitt, M.; Vickerman, J. C.; Mitchell, R.; Carr, C. M.; Ince, N.; Knight, P. Journal of Materials Science 38 (2003) 2171-2177 |
224 |
Identification of surface molecular hydrates on solid sulfuric acid films. Couling, Suzanne B.; Nash, Karen L.; Fletcher, John; Henderson, Alex; Vickerman, John C.; Horn, Andrew B. Journal of the American Chemical Society 125 (2003) 13038-13039 |
223 |
Probing cell chemistry with time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry: Development and exploitation of instrumentation for studies of frozen-hydrated biological material. Cliff, Ben; Lockyer, Nicholas; Jungnickel, Harald; Stephens, Gill; Vickerman, John C. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 17 (2003) 2163-2167 |
222 |
The role of surface molecular hydrates in the heterogeneous interaction of NH3 with sulfuric acid monohydrate. Nash, Karen L.; Sayer, Robert M.; Couling, Suzanne B.; Fletcher, John; Henderson, Alex; Vickerman, John C.; Horn, Andrew B. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 5 (2003) 5101-5107 |
221 |
The combined application of FTIR microspectroscopy and ToF-SIMS imaging in the study of prostate cancer. Gazi, Ehsan; Dwyer, John; Lockyer, Nicholas; Gardner, Peter; Vickerman, John C.; Miyan, Jaleel; Hart, Claire A.; Brown, Mick; Shanks, Jonathan H.; Clarke, Noel. Faraday Discussions 126 (2003) 41-59 |
220 |
The Static SIMS Library version 3 J.C. Vickerman, D. Briggs and A. Henderson SurfaceSpectra, Manchester (2002) CDROM |
219 |
Classification of adsorbed protein static ToF-SIMS spectra by principal component analysis and neural networks. Sanni, O. D.; Wagner, M. S.; Briggs, D.; Castner, D. G.; Vickerman, J. C. Surface and Interface Analysis 33 (2002) 715-728 |
218 |
ToF-SIMS - an overview. Vickerman, John C. in "TOF-SIMS: Surface Analysis by Mass Spectrometry", Eds. J.C. Vickerman and D. Briggs, SurfaceSpectra, Manchester and IM Publications, Chichester (2001) 1-40 |
217 |
Laser post-ionisation for molecular analysis. Lockyer, Nicholas P. in "TOF-SIMS: Surface Analysis by Mass Spectrometry", Eds. J.C. Vickerman and D. Briggs, SurfaceSpectra, Manchester and IM Publications, Chichester (2001) 417-443 |
216 |
TOF-SIMS: Surface Analysis by Mass Spectrometry. Vickerman, John C.; Briggs, David. SurfaceSpectra, Manchester and IM Publications, Chichester (2001) 789 pp. |
215 |
Static Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SSIMS) J.C. Vickerman in "The Encyclopedia of Materials: Science and Technology", Chapter 5, Elsevier (2000) |
214 |
Halogen Concentration and Distribution in Allan Hills 84001 measured by Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry G. Holland, I.C. Lyon, B. Cliff, N.P. Lockyer and J.C. Vickerman Meteoritics & Planetary Science 35 (2000) A76 |
213 |
Kiloelectronvolt Particle-Induced Emission and Fragmentation of Polystyrene Molecules Adsorbed on Silver: Insights from Molecular Dynamics. Delcorte, A.; Vanden Eynde, X.; Bertrand, P.; Vickerman, J. C.; Garrison, B. J. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 104 (2000) 2673-2691 |
212 |
Single photon and femtosecond multiphoton ionisation of the dipeptide valyl-valine. Lockyer, N. P.; Vickerman, J. C. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 197 (2000) 197-209 |
211 |
Analysis of stains and their removal from a fabric surface using static secondary ion mass spectrometry. Parfitt, Matthew; Carr, Christopher; Vickerman, John. C. Book of Abstracts, 219th ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, March 26-30, 2000 (2000) CELL-089 |
210 |
Static SIMS studies of catalyst structure and activity. Vickerman, John C.; Oakes, Angela; Gamble, Heather. Surface and Interface Analysis 29 (2000) 349-361 |
209 |
Time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) analysis of the bleaching of keratin fibres and the application of cationic alkyl protein softeners to bleached cashmere. Volooj, S.; Carr, C. M.; Mitchell, R.; Vickerman, J. C. Surface and Interface Analysis 29 (2000) 422-430 |
208 |
How do large organic molecules sputter? Insights from TOF-SIMS and molecular dynamics simulations. Delcorte, A.; Bertrand, P.; Vickerman, J. C.; Garrison, B. J. Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, SIMS XII, Proceedings of the International Conference on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, 12th, Brussels, Belgium, Sept. 5-10, 1999 (2000) 27-32 |
207 |
TOF-SSIMS studies of self-assembled multilayers. Wong, S. C. C.; Canry, J. -C.; Lockyer, N. P.; Vickerman, J. C. Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, SIMS XII, Proceedings of the International Conference on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, 12th, Brussels, Belgium, Sept. 5-10, 1999 (2000) 195-198 |
206 |
Surface analysis by TOF-SIMS and laser post-ionisation SNMS of ion induced modified Si oxide and Mo oxide surfaces. Cardenas, J.; Lockyer, N. P.; Vickerman, J. C. Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, SIMS XII, Proceedings of the International Conference on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, 12th, Brussels, Belgium, Sept. 5-10, 1999 (2000) 429-432 |
205 |
NeuroSpectraNet - a self-organising neural network mechanism for interpretation of complex SSIMS spectra. Sanni, O. D.; Henderson, A.; Briggs, D.; Vickerman, J. C. Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, SIMS XII, Proceedings of the International Conference on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, 12th, Brussels, Belgium, Sept. 5-10, 1999 (2000) 805-808 |
204 |
TOFSIMS and laser post-ionization imaging of biomolecules at high spatial resolution. Lockyer, N. P.; Vickerman, J. C. Institute of Physics Conference Series 165 (2000) 337-338 |
203 |
The Static SIMS Library version 2 J.C. Vickerman, D. Briggs and A. Henderson SurfaceSpectra, Manchester (1999) pp1200 & CDROM |
202 |
Time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToFSIMS) analysis of bleaching of cashmere fibres and the application of cationic alkyl protein softeners S. Volooj, C.M. Carr, R. Mitchell and J.C. Vickerman J. Text. Inst. 90 (1999) 60-75 |
201 |
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Particle Bombardment Induced Desorption Processes: Alkanethiolates on Au(111). Liu, K. S. S.; Yong, C. W.; Garrison, B. J.; Vickerman, J. C. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 103 (1999) 3195-3205 |
200 |
Static SIMS Studies of Reactions on Mimics of Polar Stratospheric Clouds III: Mechanism of Chlorine Nitrate Decomposition and Reaction. Donsig, Heather A.; Herridge, Dawn; Vickerman, John C. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 103 (1999) 9211-9220 |
199 |
Mechanistic study of particle bombardment of an alkanethiolate/Au system K.S.S. Liu, J.C. Vickerman and B.J. Garrison Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (1998) 443-446 |
198 |
A New Time-of-flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer with Integral Ion Gun C.G. Lawrence, J.C. Vickerman, C.A. Corlett and S.J. Mullock Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (1998) 703-706 |
197 |
Static SIMS – A Surface Mass Spectrometry for Organic Materials. in Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry J.C. Vickerman Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (1998) 19-26 |
196 |
SIMS as a Tool for Studying Simulated Atmospheric Chemistry: Heterogeneous Interactions of Chlorine Nitrate with Ice H.A. Donsig and J.C. Vickerman Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (1998) 1065-1068 |
195 |
Static SIMS studies of reactions on mimics of Polar Stratospheric Clouds II: Low-temperature, low-pressure interactions of Cl2 and Cl2O with solid ice films. Donsig, Heather A.; Herridge, Dawn; Vickerman, John C. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 102 (1998) 2302-2308 |
194 |
Static SIMS - surface analysis by mass spectrometry. J.C. Vickerman Advances in Spectroscopy (Chichester, United Kingdom) 26 (1998) 71-120 |
193 |
Multiphoton ionization mass spectrometry of small biomolecules with nanosecond and femtosecond laser pulses. Lockyer, N. P.; Vickerman, J. C. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 176 (1998) 77-86 |
192 |
Performance characteristics of a chemical imaging time-of-flight mass spectrometer. Braun, Robert M.; Blenkinsopp, Paul; Mullock, Steve J.; Corlett, Clive; Willey, Kenneth F.; Vickerman, John C.; Winograd, Nicholas. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 12 (1998) 1246-1252 |
191 |
Development of a biological imaging instrument. Lockyer, N. P.; Wong, S. C. C.; Vickerman, J. C. AIP Conference Proceedings 454 (1998) 358-363 |
190 |
Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy. (Ninth International Symposium, held in Manchester, United Kingdom, June 21-25, 1998.) [In: AIP Conf. Proc., 1998; 454]. Vickerman, John C.; Lyon, Ian; Lockyer, Nick P.; Parks, James E.; Editors. (1998) 368 pp. |
189 |
The Static SIMS Library J.C. Vickerman, D. Briggs and A. Henderson SurfaceSpectra, Manchester (1997) pp1000 & CDROM |
188 |
Surface Analysis - The Principal Techniques J.C. Vickerman (Ed) John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, ISBN 0-471-95939 Hardback, ISBN 0-471-97292 paperback (1997) |
187 |
Mixed self-assembled monolayers of dodecanethiol and octadecanethiol on silver and gold: a ToFSIMS investigation J.-C. Canry and J.C. Vickerman Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (1997) 623-626 |
186 |
Photofragmentation of dipeptides using nanosecond and femtosecond lasers N.P. Lockyer and J.C. Vickerman Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (1997) 783-786 |
185 |
Resonant photoionization and fragmentation of dipeptides by nanosecond and femtosecond lasers. N.P. Lockyer and J.C. Vickerman AIP Conference Proceedings 388 (1997) 293-296 |
184 |
Desorption of organic molecules from surfaces. Garrison, B. J.; Zhigilei, L. V.; Kodali, P. B. S.; Krantzman, K. D.; Liu, S. L.; Vickerman, J. C. Book of Abstracts, 214th ACS National Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, September 7-11 (1997) PHYS-097 |
183 |
Dynamic and static secondary ion mass spectrometry studies of the solvation of HCl by ice. Donsig, Heather A.; Vickerman, John C. Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 93 (1997) 2755-2761 |
182 |
Computer simulation of particle bombardment of alkanethiol chains adsorbed on gold surface. K.S.S. Liu; J.C. Vickerman; B.J. Garrison Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids 142 (1997) 205-221 |
181 |
Time-of-flight secondary-ion-mass spectrometric (ToF-SIMS) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic (XPS) analyses of the surface lipids of wool. Shao, J.; Jones, D. C.; Mitchell, R.; Vickerman, J. C.; Carr, C. M. Journal of the Textile Institute, Part 1: Fibre Science and Textile Technology 88 (1997) 317-324 |
180 |
Single photon ionization mass spectrometry using laser-generated vacuum ultraviolet photons. Lockyer, Nicholas P.; Vickerman, John C. Laser Chemistry 17 (1997) 139-159 |
179 |
A Surface Science Investigation of Automotive Exhaust Catalysts A.J. Oakes and J.C. Vickerman Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis (1996) 65-68 |
178 |
Mixed self-assembled monolayers of dodecanethiol and octadecanethiol on silver and gold: a ToFSIMS investigation of quantitative aspects J.-C. Canry and J.C. Vickerman Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis (1996) 903-906 |
177 |
Heterogeneous Interactions on Laboratory Simulated Polar Stratospheric Cloud (Psc) Particles: A SIMS Study H.A. Donsig and J.C. Vickerman Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis (1996) 337-340 |
176 |
Static SIMS studies of the mechanism of adsorption of complex toxic molecules on various stbstrates related to the development of sensor devices J.E. Iro and J.C. Vickerman Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis (1996) 361-364 |
175 |
Evaluation of Mass Spectrometric Methods Applicable to the Direct Analysis of Non-Peptide Bead-Bound Combinatorial Libraries. Brummel, C. L.; Vickerman, J. C.; Carr, S. A.; Hemling, M. E.; Roberts, G. D.; Johnson, W.; Weinstock, J.; Gaitanopoulos, D.; Benkovic, S. J.; Winograd, N. Analytical Chemistry 68 (1996) 237-42 |
174 |
Tofsims studies of component dispersion in mixed self-assembled monolayers. Vickerman, John C. Book of Abstracts, 211th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, March 24-28 (1996) POLY-346 |
173 |
Catalytic properties of SrSn1-xSbxO3 in methanol oxidation. Aghabozorg, H. R.; Sakakini, B. H.; Roberts, A. J.; Vickerman, J. C.; Flavell, W. R. Catalysis Letters 39 (1996) 97-104 |
172 |
Surface Chemical Characterization Using XPS and ToF-SIMS of Latex Particles Prepared by the Emulsion Copolymerization of Methacrylic Acid and Styrene. Davies, M. C.; Lynn, R. A. P.; Hearn, J.; Paul, A. J.; Vickerman, J. C.; Watts, J. F. Langmuir 12 (1996) 3866-3875 |
171 |
SIMS investigation of fresh and aged automotive exhaust catalysts. Oakes, Angela J.; Vickerman, John C. Surface and Interface Analysis 24 (1996) 695-703 |
170 |
The Photodegradation of Wool and Wool Blend Fabrics in Relation to their use in Automotive Upholstery D.C. Jones, C.M. Carr, W.D. Cooke, R. Mitchell and J.C. Vickerman Proc. 9th Int. Wool Textile Res. Conf. (1995) |
169 |
Characterization of plasma-deposited styrene films by XPS and static SIMS. Leggett, Graham J.; Ratner, Buddy D.; Vickerman, John C. Surface and Interface Analysis 23 (1995) 22-8 |
168 |
Sample charging during static SIMS studies of polymers. Leggett, G. J.; Vickerman, J. C. Applied Surface Science 84 (1995) 253-66 |
167 |
Molecular desorption in bombardment mass spectrometries. Taylor, Ramona S.; Brummel, Christopher L.; Winograd, Nicholas; Garrison, Barbara J.; Vickerman, John C. Chemical Physics Letters 233 (1995) 575-9 |
166 |
Ion beam induced desorption with postionization using high repetition femtosecond lasers. Brummel, C. L.; Willey, K. F.; Vickerman, J. C.; Winograd, N. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes 143 (1995) 257-70 |
165 |
Photoionization and molecular fragmentation using nanosecond and femtosecond lasers. C.L. Brummel, K.F. Willey, M.C. Wood, Y. Zhou, J.C. Vickerman and N. Winograd AIP Conference Proceedings 329 (1995) 43-6 |
164 |
Feasibility of quantitative analysis of metals and alloys by non-resonant multiphoton ionization of sputtered neutral species. Scrivener, E.; Wilson, R. C.; Vickerman, J. C. Surface and Interface Analysis 23 (1995) 623-35 |
163 |
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic study of wool modified by gaseous fluorine. Kidd, B.; Carr, C. M.; Dodd, K. J.; Vickerman, J.; Byrne, K. Textile Research Journal 65 (1995) 504-6 |
162 |
Surface Chemical Characterization Using XPS and TOF-SIMS of Latex Particles Prepared by the Emulsion Copolymerization of Functional Monomers with Methyl Methacrylate and 4-Vinyl Pyridine. Davies, M. C.; Lynn, R. A. P.; Hearn, J.; Paul, A. J.; Vickerman, J. C.; Watts, J. F. Langmuir 11 (1995) 4313-22 |
161 |
Evidence for Preferential Surface Enrichment in the Surface Chemical Analysis of a Series of Poly(Butyl Methacrylate-co-methyl methacrylate) Latices Using X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Static Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry. Davies, M. C.; Lynn, R. A. P.; Hearn, J.; Watts, J. F.; Vickerman, J. C.; Johnson, D. Langmuir 10 (1994) 1399-409 |
160 |
Impact of mass spectrometry in surface analysis. Vickerman, John C. Analyst 119 (1994) 513-23 |
159 |
The use of the anaerobic transfer electrochemical cell in the XPS investigation of polyaniline. Morea, Gemma; Vickerman, John C.; Walton, John. Surface and Interface Analysis 22 (1994) 609-13 |
158 |
The effect of corona treatments on the hygral expansion of wool worsted fabrics. Carr, C. M.; Dodd, K. J.; Connors, M. A.; Henderson, A.; Vickerman, J. Journal of the Society of Dyers and Colourists 110 (1994) 383-6 |
157 |
Tandem SSIMS - insights into ion formation processes from organic materials. J.C. Vickerman Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, Proceedings of the International Conference on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, 9th, Yokohama, Nov. 7-12, 1993 (1994) 238-42 |
156 |
TOF-SIMS studies of plasma treated polypropylene surfaces. J.-C. Canry, A.D. Bass and J.C. Vickerman Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, Proceedings of the International Conference on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, 9th, Yokohama, Nov. 7-12, 1993 (1994) 800-803 |
155 |
Static SIMS for the Surface Characterisation of Polymers N.M. Reed and J.C. Vickerman in "The Characterisation of Advanced Polymers", Eds. L Sabatini and PG Zambonin, VCH (1993) 83-162 |
154 |
Investigation of the surface activity of corrosion inhibitors by XPS and time-of-flight SIMS. Swift, Andrew; Paul, Alan J.; Vickerman, John C. Surface and Interface Analysis 20 (1993) 27-35 |
153 |
The surface chemical analysis of a series of persulfate-initiated charge-stabilized poly(butyl methacrylate) latexes using XPS and static SIMS. Davies, M. C.; Lynn, R. A. P.; Davis, S. S.; Hearn, J.; Watts, J. F.; Vickerman, J. C.; Johnson, D. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 156 (1993) 229-39 |
152 |
Characterization of adhesive and coating constituents by time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS). Part 1: epoxy-terminated diglycidyl polyethers of bisphenol A and propan-2-ol. Treverton, J. A.; Paul, A. J.; Vickerman, J. C. Surface and Interface Analysis 20 (1993) 449-56 |
151 |
Preparation of polymer latex particles with immobilized sugar residues and their surface characterization by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry. Davies, M. C.; Lynn, R. A. P.; Davis, S. S.; Hearn, J.; Watts, J. F.; Vickerman, J. C.; Paul, A. J. Langmuir 9 (1993) 1637-45 |
150 |
Static secondary ion mass spectrometry (SSIMS) - an emerging surface mass spectrometry. G. J. Leggett and J.C. Vickerman Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry, Section C: Physical Chemistry 88 (1993) 77-133 |
149 |
The application of time-of-flight SIMS for the surface characterization of polymer latex particles prepared with immobilized sugar residues. Davies, M. C.; Lynn, R. A. P.; Davis, S. S.; Hearn, J.; Vickerman, J. C.; Paul, A. J. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 161 (1993) 83-90 |
148 |
Adsorption and thermal decomposition of ethene and propene on Ru(0001), studied by RAIRS. Ransley, I. A.; Ilharco, L. M.; Bateman, J. E.; Sakakini, B. H.; Vickerman, J. C.; Chesters, M. A. Surface Science 298 (1993) 187-94 |
147 |
Ethane hydrogenolysis over alumina, silica and titania supported Ru:Mn bimetallic catalysts. Hussain, S. Tajammul; Sakakini, B. H.; Vickerman, J. C. Turkish Journal of Chemistry 17 (1993) 161-7 |
146 |
Characterization of polycrystalline Ru/Mn bimetallic catalysts supported on silica and alumina supports using TEM (transmission electron microscopy). Hussain, S. T.; Sakakini, B. H.; Vickerman, J. C. Turkish Journal of Chemistry 17 (1993) 258-66 |
145 |
Characterization of Ru:Mn-supported bimetallic alloy system using XRD, CO-chemisorption and CO-hydrogenation titration techniques. Hussain, S. T.; Sakakini, B. H.; Vickerman, J. C. Turkish Journal of Chemistry 17 (1993) 285-90 |
144 |
A new ion optical system for SIMS and SNMS. Smith, S M.; Wilson, R C.; Vickerman, J C. Institute of Physics Conference Series 130 (1993) 411-14 |
143 |
The application of static secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) to the surface analysis of polymer materials. Reed, Nicola M.; Vickerman, John C. Surf. Charact. Adv. Polym. (1993) 83-162 |
142 |
Static SIMS for the analysis of inorganic materials N.M. Reed and J.C. Vickerman in "Practical Surface Analysis" Vol 2, Eds D. Briggs and M.P. Seah. John Wiley & Sons (1992) pp50 |
141 |
Initial Studies on a New device for the Prevention of Surface Potential Build -Up in FAB-SIMS P. Humphrey, A.J. Eccles, P. Mann and J.C. Vickerman Proc. 8th International Conference on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (1992) 247-251 |
140 |
Surface studies by static secondary ion mass spectrometry: Cluster ion formation studied by tandem mass-spectrometric techniques. Leggett, Graham J.; Vickerman, John C.; Briggs, David; Hearn, Martin J. Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 88 (1992) 297-309 |
139 |
Effects of damage during the SIMS analysis of poly(vinyl chloride) and poly(methyl methacrylate). Leggett, Graham J.; Vickerman, John C. Applied Surface Science 55 (1992) 105-15 |
138 |
A tandem SIMS study of poly(vinyl methyl ether). Leggett, G. J.; Chilkoti, A.; Ratner, B. D.; Vickerman, J. C. Surface and Interface Analysis 18 (1992) 210-16 |
137 |
An EELS and static SIMS study of the adsorption and decomposition of propene on ruthenium(0001). Sakakini, B. H.; Ransley, I. A.; Oduoza, C. F.; Vickerman, J. C.; Chesters, M. A. Surface Science 271 (1992) 227-36 |
136 |
Correlation of the emission of SIMS cluster ions with composition and structure from the aluminum chromium oxide (Al2-xCrxO3) mixed oxide series. Reed, Nicola M.; Vickerman, John C. Surface and Interface Analysis 19 (1992) 259-63 |
135 |
Surface characterization (XPS and SIMS) of emersed polybithiophene electrodes. Morea, Gemma; Sabbatini, Luigia; West, Robin H.; Vickerman, John C. Surface and Interface Analysis 18 (1992) 421-9 |
134 |
The structure of the PET m/z 152 ion and implications for ion formation mechanisms in static SIMS. Leggett, Graham J.; Vickerman, John C. Surface and Interface Analysis 18 (1992) 637-9 |
133 |
An empirical model for ion formation from polymer surfaces during analysis by secondary-ion mass spectrometry. Leggett, Graham J.; Vickerman, John C. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes 122 (1992) 281-319 |
132 |
Use of a triple quadrupole mass analyzer for secondary ion structure determination. Leggett, G. J.; Vickerman, J. C. Second. Ion Mass Spectrom., SIMS 8, Proc. Int. Conf., 8th (1992) 17-20 |
131 |
SIMS and EELS study of the adsorption of carbon monoxide on manganese/ruthenium(0001). Syed, T. H.; Sakakini, B. H.; Vickerman, J. C. Special Publication - Royal Society of Chemistry 114 (1992) 242-8 |
130 |
Carbon monoxide hydrogenation over alumina-supported ruthenium-manganese bimetallic catalysts. Syed, T. H.; Sakakini, B. H.; Vickerman, J. C. Special Publication - Royal Society of Chemistry 114 (1992) 234-41 |
129 |
Surface analysis: a tool in the investigation of intrinsically conducting polymers. Morea, Gemma; Vickerman, John C. Conduct. Polym., Conduct. Polym. Conf. (1992) Paper 6, 9 pp. |
128 |
Probing the surface chemical structure of some novel poly(ortho esters) prepared with N-methyl- and N-phenylethanolamine by time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS). Davies, M. C.; Leadley, S. R.; Paul, A. J.; Vickerman, J. C.; Heller, J.; Franson, N. M. Polymers for Advanced Technologies 3 (1992) 293-301 |
127 |
Secondary ion mass spectrometry - fundamentals and application to heterogeneous catalysis N.M. Reed and J.C. Vickerman NATO ASI Fundamental Aspects of Heterogeneous Catalysis Studied by Particle Beams, (Plenum, New York and London) 265 (1991) 357-392 |
126 |
Role of electronic particle-surface interactions during the sputter degradation of polymers. Leggett, Graham J.; Vickerman, John C. Analytical Chemistry 63 (1991) 561-8 |
125 |
Modification of polybithiophene by electrochemical cycling studied by ToF-SIMS and XPS. Morea, Gemma; Sabbatini, Luigia; Zambonin, Pier Giorgio; Swift, Andrew J.; West, Robin H.; Vickerman, John C. Macromolecules 24 (1991) 3630-7 |
124 |
Adsorption and thermal decomposition of trans-but-2-ene on ruthenium(0001), studied by RAIRS. Chesters, M. A.; Horn, A. B.; Ilharco, L. M.; Ransley, I. A.; Sakakini, B. H.; Vickerman, J. C. Surface Science 251-252 (1991) 291-5 |
123 |
Further characterization of palladium deposited on an extensively oxidized zinc (001) support. Leighton, C. A.; Swift, A. J.; Vickerman, J. C. Surface Science 253 (1991) 220-32 |
122 |
ToF-SIMS and XPS analysis of the surface chemical structure of some linear poly(orthoesters). Davies, M. C.; Lynn, R. A. P.; Watts, J. F.; Paul, A. J.; Vickerman, J. C.; Heller, J. Macromolecules 24 (1991) 5508-14 |
121 |
Direct emission of molecular fragments during the sputtering of poly(4-hydroxystyrene) and determination of ion structures using tandem secondary ion mass spectrometry. Leggett, G. J.; Chilkoti, A.; Castner, D. G.; Ratner, B. D.; Vickerman, J. C. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes 108 (1991) 29-39 |
120 |
Application of a tandem analyzer to SIMS studies of hydrocarbon polymers. Leggett, G. J.; Briggs, D.; Vickerman, J. C. Surface and Interface Analysis 17 (1991) 737-44 |
119 |
Secondary ion mass spectrometry - fundamentals and application to heterogeneous catalysis. Reed, N. M.; Vickerman, J. C. NATO ASI Series, Series B: Physics 265 (1991) 357-92 |
118 |
Model for characterizing the growth of ruthenium on amorphous alumina by the use of the Auger parameter. Aas, Nina; West, Robin H.; Vickerman, John C. NATO ASI Series, Series B: Physics 265 (1991) 215-19 |
117 |
Growth of palladium on zinc oxide surfaces. Leighton, C. A.; Swift, A. J.; Vickerman, J. C. NATO ASI Series, Series B: Physics 265 (1991) 405-12 |
116 |
CO oxidation over small Pd particle model catalysts. A static secondary ion mass spectrometry study Vladimir Matolin, Eveline Gillet, Nicola M. Reed and John C. Vickerman Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 86 (1990) 2749-2755 |
115 |
Applications of Surface Analytical Techniques in Pharmaceutical Science M.C. Davies, A.J. Paul, J.C. Vickerman International Handbook on Pharmaceutical Science (1990) 211-214 |
114 |
Collision target-gas effects during the tandem secondary-ion mass-spectrometric analysis of polymers. Leggett, Graham J.; Briggs, David; Vickerman, John C. Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 86 (1990) 1863-72 |
113 |
SSIMS, XPS and microstructural studies of ac-phosphoric acid anodic films on aluminum. Treverton, J. A.; Ball, J.; Johnson, D.; Vickerman, J. C.; West, R. H. Surface and Interface Analysis 15 (1990) 369-76 |
112 |
Applications of tandem quadrupole mass spectrometry in SIMS. Leggett, G. J.; Vickerman, J. C.; Briggs, D. Surface and Interface Analysis 16 (1990) 3-8 |
111 |
The preparation and characterization of a model supported ruthenium catalyst. Aas, N.; Sakakini, B. H.; West, R. H.; Vickerman, J. C. Surface and Interface Analysis 16 (1990) 359-63 |
110 |
Surface analysis by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). Swift, A. J.; Vickerman, J. C. Special Publication - Royal Society of Chemistry 84 (1990) 37-59 |
109 |
Adsorption and thermal decomposition of but-1-ene and isobutene on the ruthenium(0001) single crystal surface, studied by RAIRS. Chesters, M. A.; Horn, A. B.; Ilharco, L. M.; Ransley, I. A.; Sakakini, B. H.; Vickerman, J. C. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 54-55 (1990) 677-86 |
108 |
Organics at surfaces, their detection and analysis by static secondary ion mass spectrometry. Paul, A. J.; Vickerman, J. C. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 333 (1990) 147-58 |
107 |
Chemical state analysis of metal and oxide surface layers using Auger parameters from x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. West, R. H.; Vickerman, J. C. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 333 (1990) 168-9 |
106 |
SSIMS studies on diatomic oxygen-18 plasma treated polypropylene. Occhiello, E.; Morra, M.; Garbassi, F.; Humphrey, P.; Vickerman, J. C. Second. Ion Mass Spectrom., SIMS 7, Proc. Int. Conf., 7th (1990) 789-92 |
105 |
Applications of electron beam SNMS to the investigation of changes in sputter yield. Wilson, R.; Van den Berg, J. A.; Vickerman, J. C. Second. Ion Mass Spectrom., SIMS 7, Proc. Int. Conf., 7th (1990) 223-6 |
104 |
TOFSIMS - QuadSIMS. An assessment of their relative advantages for applied surface analysis by static SIMS. Johnson, D.; Paul, A. J.; Humphrey, P.; Reed, N. M.; Vickerman, J. C. Second. Ion Mass Spectrom., SIMS 7, Proc. Int. Conf., 7th (1990) 911-14 |
103 |
Surface characterization of oxides by static SIMS. Reed, N. M.; Vickerman, J. C. Second. Ion Mass Spectrom., SIMS 7, Proc. Int. Conf., 7th (1990) 793-6 |
102 |
Charge compensation of insulators in SSIMS analysis. Reed, N. M.; Humphrey, P.; Vickerman, J. C. Second. Ion Mass Spectrom., SIMS 7, Proc. Int. Conf., 7th (1990) 809-12 |
101 |
The application of secondary ion mass spectrometry to the study of epoxy adhesive constituents. Treverton, J. A.; Paul, A. J.; Vickerman, J. C. Adhes. '90, Int. Conf. (1990) 63/1-63/7 |
100 |
Handbook of Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry A Brown, D. Briggs and J.C. Vickerman John Wiley & Sons Ltd (1989) pp160 |
99 |
Static SIMS J.C. Vickerman in "Methods of Surface Analysis : Techniques and Applications", Ed J.M. Walls, Cambridge University Press (1989) |
98 |
The characterization of an imaging time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry instrument. Eccles, A. J.; Vickerman, J. C. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology, A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films 7 (1989) 234-44 |
97 |
An XPS and SIMS analysis of biodegradable biomedical polyesters. Davies, M. C.; Short, R. D.; Khan, M. A.; Watts, J. F.; Brown, A.; Eccles, A. J.; Humphrey, P.; Vickerman, J. C.; Vert, M. Surface and Interface Analysis 14 (1989) 115-20 |
96 |
Hydrogenation of carbon monoxide over a ruthenium(0001) single crystal surface. Sakakini, B.; Steeples, B.; Dunhill, N.; Vickerman, J. C. Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 48 (1989) 817-24 |
95 |
Studies of the initial stages of the adsorption of palladium on an extensively oxidized zinc(0001) support. Swift, A. J.; Vickerman, J. C. Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 48 (1989) 881-91 |
94 |
Quantitative surface analysis using electron beam SNMS: calibrations and applications. Wilson, R.; Van den Berg, J. A.; Vickerman, J. C. Surface and Interface Analysis 14 (1989) 393-400 |
93 |
Surface analysis using electron beam SNMS, applications, and investigations of sputter yields. Wilson, R.; Van den Berg, J. A.; Vickerman, J. C. Vacuum 39 (1989) 1089-93 |
92 |
International Series of Monographs on Chemistry, 17: Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry. Principles and Applications. Vickerman, John C.; Brown, Alan; Reed, Nicola M.; Editors. Oxford University Press (1989) 341 pp. |
91 |
Static SIMS for Surface Analysis J.C. Vickerman in the "Advances in Spectroscopy" series, Eds. R.E. Hestor and R.J.H. Clarke, John Wiley & Sons Ltd (1988) |
90 |
The analysis of cellulose ethers by secondary ion mass spectroscopy. Davies, M. C.; Short, R. D.; Vickerman, J. C.; Humphrey, P.; Brown, A. Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering 59 (1988) 729-33 |
89 |
Characterization of polymer colloid surfaces by SSIMS and XPS. Lynn, R. A. P.; Davis, S. S.; Short, R. D.; Davies, M. C.; Vickerman, J. C.; Humphrey, P.; Johnson, D.; Hearn, J. Polymer Communications 29 (1988) 365-7 |
88 |
The application of computer-controlled scanning SIMS to technologically important materials. Brown, A.; Humphrey, P.; Vickerman, J. C. Second. Ion Mass Spectrom., Proc. Int. Conf., 6th (1988) 393-6 |
87 |
A study of the adsorption and decomposition of D4-ethene on ruthenium(0001) surface using SSIMS and EELS. Sakakini, B.; Vickerman, J. C. Second. Ion Mass Spectrom., Proc. Int. Conf., 6th (1988) 1025-8 |
86 |
Gas adsorption on metal phthalocyanines studied by time-of-flight SIMS. Eccles, A. J.; Humphrey, P.; Jones, T. A.; Vickerman, J. C. Second. Ion Mass Spectrom., Proc. Int. Conf., 6th (1988) 1059-62 |
85 |
The activity of bimetallic gold/ruthenium(0001) model catalysts compared with g-alumina supported gold/ruthenium for the hydrogenation of carbon monoxide. Dunhill, Nicholas I.; Sakakini, Bahij; Vickerman, John C. Proc. - Int. Congr. Catal., 9th 3 (1988) 1166-73 |
84 |
Characterization of a high transmission ion optical system for quantitative SIMS analysis. Brown, A.; Henderson, D. K.; Humphrey, P.; Sutcliffe, P. J.; Vickerman, J. C.; Waugh, A. R. Second. Ion Mass Spectrom., Proc. Int. Conf., 6th (1988) 209-12 |
83 |
Static secondary-ion mass spectrometry for surface analysis. Vickerman, J. C. Advances in Spectroscopy (Chichester, United Kingdom) 16 (1988) 155-214 |
82 |
An imaging time of flight SIMS instrument. Eccles, A. J.; Vickerman, J. C. Second. Ion Mass Spectrom., Proc. Int. Conf., 6th (1988) 239-42 |
81 |
A comparison of the effects of copper and gold on the surface reactivity of ruthenium(0001). Sakakini, Bahij; Swift, Andrew J.; Vickerman, John C.; Harendt, Christine; Christmann, Klaus. Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 1: Physical Chemistry in Condensed Phases 83 (1987) 1975-2000 |
80 |
Static SIMS - a technique for surface chemical characterization in basic and applied surface science. Vickerman, J. C. Surface Science 189-190 (1987) 7-14 |
79 |
Secondary ion mass spectrometry. Vickerman, J. C. Chemistry in Britain 23 (1987) 969-71, 973-4 |
78 |
An EELS study of the adsorption and decomposition of deuterated ethene on copper/ruthenium(0001). Sakakini, B.; Harendt, C.; Vickerman, J. C. Spectrochimica Acta, Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 43A (1987) 1613-8 |
77 |
A unifying approach to the thermodynamic, electronic, and crystal field descriptions of the catalysis over 3d-transition metal oxides based on the chemical potential of metals. Pomonis, Philip; Vickerman, John. Acta Chimica Hungarica 124 (1987) 567-79 |
76 |
A study of the adsorption and decomposition of d4-ethene on model bimetallic gold/ruthenium(0001) surfaces using SSIMS (static SIMS) and EELS. Sakakini, B.; Dunhill, N.; Harendt, C.; Steeples, B.; Vickerman, J. C. Surface Science 189-190 (1987) 211-20 |
75 |
Optimisation of Spacer Layer Thickness in n-AlxGal -xAs/p -GaAs Heterojunction Diodes grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy B. Khamsehpour, K. E. Singer, J. A. van den Berg, J. C. Vickerman Electronics Letters 22 (1986) 627-629 |
74 |
Model bimetallic catalysts: the preparation and characterisation of gold/ruthenium(0001) surfaces and the adsorption of carbon monoxide. Harendt, C.; Christmann, K.; Hirschwald, W.; Vickerman, J. C. Surface Science 165 (1986) 413-33 |
73 |
A combined HREELS and SSIMS study of the adsorption of carbon monoxide on ruthenium/copper and ruthenium/gold bimetallic surfaces. Harendt, C.; Sakakini, B.; Van den Berg, J. A.; Vickerman, J. C. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 39 (1986) 35-44 |
72 |
A comparison of positive and negative ion static SIMS spectra of polymer surfaces. Brown, A.; Vickerman, J. C. Surface and Interface Analysis 8 (1986) 75-81 |
71 |
SIMS analysis of the surface preparation of indium arsenide (InAs). Brown, A.; Hunt, N.; Patterson, A. M.; Vickerman, J. C.; Williams, J. O. Chemtronics 1 (1986) 11-14 |
70 |
The relationship between electron and ion induced secondary electron imaging: a review with new experimental observations. Lai, S. Y.; Briggs, D.; Brown, A.; Vickerman, J. C. Surface and Interface Analysis 8 (1986) 93-111 |
69 |
Catalytic activity of model aluminium-doped titania catalysts. I. A study of promoter effects on the decomposition of nitrous oxide. Boronicolos, A.; Vickerman, J. C. Journal of Catalysis 100 (1986) 59-68 |
68 |
SSIMS - a powerful tool for the characterization of the adsorbate state of carbon monoxide on metallic and bimetallic surfaces. Brown, A.; Vickerman, J. C. Springer Series in Chemical Physics 44 (1986) 222-4 |
67 |
A scanned microfocused neutral beam for use in secondary ion mass spectrometry. Eccles, A. J.; Van den Berg, J. A.; Brown, A.; Vickerman, J. C. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology, A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films 4 (1986) 1888-92 |
66 |
Chemical characterization of insulating materials using high spatial resolution SSIMS-an analysis of the problems and possible solutions. Brown, A.; Eccles, A. J.; Van den Berg, J. A.; Vickerman, J. C. Springer Series in Chemical Physics 44 (1986) 257-60 |
65 |
Evidence of a charge induced contribution to the sputtering yield of insulating and semiconducting materials. Eccles, A. J.; Van den Berg, J. A.; Brown, A.; Vickerman, J. C. Applied Physics Letters 49 (1986) 188-90 |
64 |
The application of secondary ion mass spectrometry to surface analysis of semiconductor substrates and devices. Brown, A.; Van den Berg, J. A.; Vickerman, J. C. Surface and Interface Analysis 9 (1986) 309-17 |
63 |
Catalytic activity of model aluminum-doped titania catalysts. II. A study of methanol oxidation. Boronicolos, A.; Vickerman, J. C. Journal of Catalysis 100 (1986) 69-74 |
62 |
Surface cleaning procedures for (100)-oriented gallium arsenide and indium phosphide studied by SIMS. Brown, A.; Gerrard, N. D.; Humphrey, P.; Patterson, A. M.; Vickerman, J. C.; Williams, J. O. Chemtronics 1 (1986) 64-8 |
61 |
Static SIMS studies of adsorbate structure. III. Carbon monoxide on palladium(100). Brown, A.; Vickerman, J. C. Surface Science 151 (1985) 319-32 |
60 |
The adsorption and reactions of methanol on clean and oxidized aluminum surfaces. Tindall, Ian F.; Vickerman, John C. Surface Science 149 (1985) 577-91 |
59 |
A comparison of atom and ion induced SSIMS - evidence for a charge induced damage effect in insulator materials. Brown, A.; Van den Berg, J. A.; Vickerman, J. C. Spectrochimica Acta, Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 40B (1985) 871-7 |
58 |
Model bimetallic ruthenium(0001)/copper catalysts - the influence of surface copper on the adsorption mode of carbon monoxide. Brown, A.; Van den Berg, J. A.; Vickerman, J. C. Int. Congr. Catal., [Proc.], 8th 4 (1985) IV35-IV46 |
57 |
Static SIMS for applied surface analysis. Brown, A.; Vickerman, J. C. Surface and Interface Analysis 6 (1984) 1-14 |
56 |
The characterization of model copper/ruthenium(001) bimetallic catalysts by static SIMS with XPS and TPD. Brown, A.; Vickerman, J. C. Surface Science 140 (1984) 261-74 |
55 |
Static SIMS, FABMS, and SIMS imaging in applied surface analysis. Brown, Alan; Vickerman, John C. Analyst 109 (1984) 851-7 |
54 |
Catalytic activity of model tin vanadate (Sn(1-x)VxO2) and titanium vanadate (Ti(1-x)VxO2) catalysts for the decomposition of nitrous oxide: the influence of charge transfer effects. Pomonis, P.; Vickerman, J. C. Journal of Catalysis 90 (1984) 305-13 |
53 |
Carbon monoxide hydrogenation over silica-supported ruthenium-copper bimetallic catalysts. Lai, S. Y.; Vickerman, J. C. Journal of Catalysis 90 (1984) 337-50 |
52 |
Aluminas modified with silica. Part 1. An x-ray diffraction and secondary-ion mass spectrometry study of the influence of preparation and thermal treatment on structure and surface composition. Espie, Alan W.; Vickerman, John C. Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 1: Physical Chemistry in Condensed Phases 80 (1984) 1903-13 |
51 |
Atom (fast atom bombardment) compared to ion-induced static secondary ion mass spectrometry: evidence for charge-induced damage in insulators. Brown, A.; Van den Berg, J. A.; Vickerman, J. C. Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications (1984) 1684-6 |
50 |
Static SIMS studies of adsorbate structure. II. Carbon monoxide adsorption on palladium(111); adsorbate-adsorbate interactions on ruthenium(001), nickel(111) and palladium(111). Brown, A.; Vickerman, J. C. Surface Science 124 (1983) 267-78 |
49 |
Investigation of precipitated alumina structures by secondary-ion mass spectrometry and electron paramagnetic resonance spectrometry. Part 3. Structure of an alumina coating precipitated on rutile titanium dioxide. Hare, Alan S.; Vickerman, John C. Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 1: Physical Chemistry in Condensed Phases 79 (1983) 185-93, 1 plate |
48 |
Examination of the surface structure of zeolites by fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry (FABMS). Loewensteins rule. Dwyer, J.; Elliott, I. S.; Fitch, F. R.; Van den Berg, J. A.; Vickerman, J. C. Zeolites 3 (1983) 97-8 |
47 |
A comparative study of organic polymers by SIMS and FABMS. Briggs, D.; Brown, A.; Van den Berg, J. A.; Vickerman, J. C. Springer Series in Chemical Physics 25 (1983) 162-6 |
46 |
Geometric structure and electronic states of copper films on a ruthenium(0001) surface. Vickerman, J. C.; Christmann, K.; Ertl, G.; Heimann, P.; Himpsel, F. J.; Eastman, D. E. Surface Science 134 (1983) 367-88 |
45 |
Fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry (FAB). Negative-ion spectra of some simple monosaccharides. Barber, Michael; Bordoli, Robert S.; Sedgwick, Robert D.; Vickerman, John C. Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 1: Physical Chemistry in Condensed Phases 78 (1982) 1291-6 |
44 |
SIMS studies of adsorbate structure. I. Carbon monoxide adsorption on ruthenium(001), nickel(111), and nickel(100). Brown, A.; Vickerman, J. C. Surface Science 117 (1982) 154-64 |
43 |
Model studies on bimetallic copper/ruthenium catalysts. IV. Adsorption of molecular deuterium and co-adsorption of carbon monoxide and molecular deuterium. Vickerman, J. C.; Christmann, K. Surface Science 120 (1982) 1-18 |
42 |
Study of the surface composition of zeolites by fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry. Dwyer, John; Fitch, Frank R.; Qin, Guanlin; Vickerman, J. C. Journal of Physical Chemistry 86 (1982) 4574-8 |
41 |
Ions for studying the molecular structure of a normally solid and nonvolatile compound by mass spectrometry. Fr. Demande (1982) 26 pp. |
40 |
Fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry for applied surface analysis. Surman, D. J.; Van den Berg, J. A.; Vickerman, J. C. Surface and Interface Analysis 4 (1982) 160-7 |
39 |
Investigation of precipitated alumina structures by secondary-ion mass spectrometry and electron paramagnetic resonance spectrometry. Part 1. Prediction of electron paramagnetic resonance conditions for tracer ions in alumina structures. Hare, Alan S.; Vickerman, John C. Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 1: Physical Chemistry in Condensed Phases 77 (1981) 1103-11 |
38 |
Investigation of precipitated alumina structures by secondary-ion mass spectrometry and electron paramagnetic resonance spectrometry. Part 2. Line-broadened electron paramagnetic resonance spectra interpreted via a distribution of spin-matrix parameters. Hare, Alan S.; Vickerman, John C. Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 1: Physical Chemistry in Condensed Phases 77 (1981) 1113-19 |
37 |
Fast atom bombardment quadrupole mass spectrometry. Surman, David J.; Vickerman, John C. Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications (1981) 324-5 |
36 |
The surface composition of dealuminated zeolites. Dwyer, John; Fitch, Frank R.; Machado, Francisco; Qin, Guanlin; Smyth, Sean M.; Vickerman, John C. Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications (1981) 422-4 |
35 |
Amino acids investigated by fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry. Surman, D. J.; Vickerman, J. C. Journal of Chemical Research, Synopses (1981) 170-1 |
34 |
Model studies on bimetallic copper/ruthenium catalysts. III. Adsorption of carbon monoxide. Vickerman, J. C.; Christmann, K.; Ertl, G. Journal of Catalysis 71 (1981) 175-91 |
33 |
Catalytic activity of model a-aluminum vanadium oxide (Al2-xVxO3) catalysts for the decomposition of nitrous oxide - the importance of site interaction effects. Pomonis, P.; Vickerman, J. C. Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 7 (1981) 1368-76 |
32 |
Surface coverage measurements for carbon monoxide adsorption on ruthenium(001): a combined SIMS/TPD study. Brown, A.; Vickerman, J. C. Vacuum 31 (1981) 429-33 |
31 |
Surface analysis of glasses by fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry. Surman, David J.; Vickerman, John C. Applications of Surface Science (1977-1985) 9 (1981) 108-21 |
30 |
Methanol oxidation over vanadium-containing model oxide catalysts. Influence of charge-transfer effects on selectivity. Pomonis, Philip J.; Vickerman, John C. Faraday Discussions of the Chemical Society 72 (1981) 247-62 |
29 |
Secondary ion mass spectra of some simple organic molecules. Barber, Michael; Vickerman, John C.; Wolstenholme, John. Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 1: Physical Chemistry in Condensed Phases 76 (1980) 549-59 |
28 |
The oxidation of methanol over chromium containing spinel (MgAl2-xCrxO4) and corundum (a-Al2-xCrxO3) solid solutions. Awe, A. A.; Miliades, G.; Vickerman, J. C. Journal of Catalysis 62 (1980) 202-10 |
27 |
The decomposition of isopropanol over spinel solid solutions magnesium aluminum chromium oxide (MgAl2-xCrxO4). Odumah, E. I.; Vickerman, J. C. Journal of Catalysis 62 (1980) 195-201 |
26 |
A study of the interaction between ethylene and deuterium on nickel (111) by SIMS. Surman, D. J.; Vickerman, J. C.; Wolstenholme, J. Vide, les Couches Minces 201 (1980) 525-8 |
25 |
Surface coverage measurements by SIMS for carbon monoxide adsorption on a number of metals and for carbon monoxide and hydrogen sulfide coadsorption on nickel (110), (100) and (111). Bordoli, R. S.; Vickerman, J. C.; Wolstenholme, J. Surface Science 85 (1979) 244-62 |
24 |
An interpretation of the activity behavior of model oxide solid solution catalysts on the basis of a solid-state polaron hopping mechanism. Pomonis, P.; Vickerman, J. C. Journal of Catalysis 55 (1978) 88-99 |
23 |
Catalytic properties of oxide solid solutions. Vickerman, J. C. Catalysis 2 (1978) 107-44 |
22 |
Hydrogen-deuterium exchange catalyzed by chromia-alumina solid solutions. Stone, F. S.; Vickerman, J. C. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 354 (1977) 331-47 |
21 |
Solid state properties of copper containing spinel solid solutions (CuxMg1-xAl2O4). Sharpe, Peter K.; Vickerman, John C. Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 1: Physical Chemistry in Condensed Phases 73 (1977) 505-13 |
20 |
The oxychlorination of ethylene over copper-containing spinel catalysts. Sharpe, Peter K.; Vickerman, John C.; Stacey, Martyn H. Proc. Int. Congr. Catal., 6th 1 (1977) 225-34 |
19 |
SIMS study of adsorption on nickel (110), (100) and (111). Barber, M.; Bordoli, R. S.; Vickerman, J. C.; Wolstenholme, J. Proc. Int. Vac. Congr., 7th 2 (1977) 983-6 |
18 |
The application of SIMS to the study of carbon monoxide adsorption on polycrystalline metal surfaces. Barber, M.; Vickerman, J. C.; Wolstenholme, J. Surface Science 68 (1977) 130-7 |
17 |
Adsorption and surface reactivity of metals by secondary ion mass spectrometry. 1. Adsorption of carbon monoxide on nickel and copper. Barber, Michael; Vickerman, John C.; Wolstenholme, John. Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 1: Physical Chemistry in Condensed Phases 72 (1976) 40-50 |
16 |
Studies of the surface behavior of oxide catalysts by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). 1. The surface composition of copper-containing spinel catalysts and their precursors. Barber, M.; Sharpe, P. K.; Vickerman, J. C. Journal of Catalysis 41 (1976) 240-8 |
15 |
Studies of adsorption and surface reactivity of metals by secondary ion mass spectrometry. II. Adsorption of ethylene on nickel. Barber, M.; Vickerman, J. C.; Wolstenholme, J. Journal of Catalysis 42 (1976) 48-53 |
14 |
Hydrogen-deuterium exchange catalyzed by spinel solid solutions, MgAl2-xCrxO4. Vickerman, J. C. Journal of Catalysis 44 (1976) 404-15 |
13 |
Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). A technique for studying surface reactivity. Barber, M.; Vickerman, J. C. Surface and Defect Properties of Solids 5 (1976) 162-88 |
12 |
a-Chromium(III) oxide--aluminum oxide solid solutions. II. Catalytic decomposition of nitrous oxide. Egerton, T. A.; Stone, F. S.; Vickerman, J. C. Journal of Catalysis 33 (1974) 307-15 |
11 |
Electron paramagnetic resonance and reflectance spectroscopy of cobalt-containing A, X, and Y zeolites. Heilbron, M. A.; Vickerman, J. C. Journal of Catalysis 33 (1974) 434-47 |
10 |
Investigation of the nickel-dinitrogen oxide system by secondary ion mass spectrometry. Barber, M.; Vickerman, J. C. Chemical Physics Letters 26 (1974) 277-80 |
9 |
a-Chromium(III) oxide-alumina solid solutions. I. Formation and stability of adsorbed oxygen. Egerton, T. A.; Stone, F. S.; Vickerman, J. C. Journal of Catalysis 33 (1974) 299-306 |
8 |
Investigation of the sulfur dioxide/silver surface reaction using secondary ion mass spectrometry. Barber, M.; Sharpe, P.; Vickerman, J. C. Chemical Physics Letters 27 (1974) 436-8 |
7 |
Magnetic studies of zeolites. 2. Magnetic properties of nickel-exchanged zeolites A, X, and Y. Egerton, T. A.; Vickerman, J. C. Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 1: Physical Chemistry in Condensed Phases 69 (1973) 39-49 |
6 |
Magnetic studies of zeolites. 1. Magnetic properties of CoY and CoA. Egerton, T. A.; Hagan, A.; Stone, F. S.; Vickerman, J. C. Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 1: Physical Chemistry in Condensed Phases 68 (1972) 723-35 |
5 |
Magnetic properties of chromium ions in oxide matrixes. 1. Chromium(III) oxide-aluminum(III) oxide solid solutions. Stone, Frank Sidney; Vickerman, J. C. Transactions of the Faraday Society 67 (1971) 316-28 |
4 |
Magnetic properties of chromium ions in oxide matrices. 2. Magnesium chromium oxide-magnesium aluminum oxide solid solutions. Vickerman, J. C. Transactions of the Faraday Society 67 (1971) 665-73 |
3 |
Structural characterization of magnesium oxide-chromium(III) sesquioxide-(lithium oxide) polycrystalline solids by ESR methods. Cordischi, Dante; Vickerman, J. C.; Cimino, A. Transactions of the Faraday Society 66 (1970) 1312-21 |
2 |
Catalytic activity of chromium ions in magnesium aluminate for the decomposition of nitrous oxide. Egerton, T. A.; Vickerman, J. C. Journal of Catalysis 19 (1970) 74-81 |
1 |
Catalysis of hydrogen-deuterium equilibration by solid solutions of a-chromia-alumina. Stone, Frank Sidney; Vickerman, J. C. Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung, Teil A: Astrophysik, Physik und Physikalische Chemie 24 (1969) 1415-17 |