
Some visually appealing images acquired during our research

See also our 3D movies:


Analytical Chemistry cover art by John Fletcher

Analytical Chemistry Review graphical abstract

Cover art and graphical abstract from our review in Analytical Chemistry on  Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry: Characterizing Complex Samples in Two and Three Dimensions


3D SIMS of HeLa cells

Topography corrected, 3D visualisation of the membrane (green, m/z 184.1, phosphocholine) and nucleus (red, m/z 136.1, adenine) chemistry in the frozen‐hydrated HeLa‐M cells following the use of PCA to identify the interface between the cells and the substrate to allow more representative data reconstruction. The visualised area is the same as the analysis area in the SIMS experiment, 250 × 250 μm2, but inclined in order to aid 3D visualisation.
[enlarge] [journal article] [view movie]

3D image of HeLa-M cells

Topography corrected, 3D visualisation of the membrane (green, m/z 184.1, phosphocholine) and nucleus (red, negative scores on principal component 5) chemistry in the fixed and freeze‐dried HeLa‐M cells following the use of PCA to identify the interface between the cells and the substrate to allow more representative data reconstruction. The visualised area is the same as the analysis area in the SIMS experiment, 250 × 250 μm2, but inclined in order to aid 3D visualisation.
[enlarge] [journal article] [view movie]

ToF-SIMS image overlay of rat kidney section

Distribution of lipid (DPPC; red), diacyl glycerides (DAG; green) and salts (blue) in a cross-section of rat kidney. 320 x 320 pixels = 9 x 9 mm

Image depth profile of brain tissue

Distribution of cholesterol and lipid (DPPC) in the white/grey matter boundary region of brain tissue by ToFSIMS.
(c) AFM analysis of the sputtered tissue region (crater depth = 4 μm);
(d) Cholesterol signal (m/z 369) confined to the upper layers of the white matter only;
(e) Lipid (DPPC, m/z 184) signal strongest away from the interface;
(f) Immonium ion signal only detected in grey matter region
Data taken from Depth Profiling Brain Tissue Sections with a 40 keV C60+ Primary Ion Beam
Emrys A. Jones, Nicholas P. Lockyer, John C. Vickerman
Analytical Chemistry (2008) [journal article]

Cartoon of C60 impacting cells to produce chemical information

By former student and PDRA Matt Baker for use by Analyst [journal article]

PCA images of Streptomyces coelicolorPCA images of Streptomyces coelicolor

Pseudo colour PCA images derived from TOF-SIMS of Streptomyces coelicolor on silicon (using 40 keV C60)
Seetharaman Vaidyanathan

3D PCA image of Xenopus laevis Oocyte

ToF-SIMS 3D image of Xenopus laevis Oocyte, principal component 1
(40 keV C60, 256 x 256 pixels, 40 layers)
John Fletcher [journal article] [view movie]

Cholesterol in Xenopus Laevis Oocyte membrane

Distribution of Cholesterol in Xenopus Laevis Oocyte membrane.
John Fletcher

Ionoptika J105 – 3D Chemical Imager

The original Ionoptika J105 3D Chemical Imager (click to enlarge)

Cancer cell images

Images of specific ions present in HeLa (cervical cancer) cells (top)
and 3D representation of BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia)
cells following mathematical treatment (bottom).
John Fletcher [journal article]

MAF of HeLa cells

HeLa (cervical cancer) cells following maximum autocorrelation factor (MAF) analysis
John Fletcher and Sadia Rabbani

Human cheek cells

Human cheek cells
(a) total ion, (b) m/z 184, (c) m/z 102.8, (d) m/z 103.0